Epidata Analysis and cluster sampling

I would like to know if there is a way to analyze our data from a vaccination coverage study, in which we used *cluster sampling*, using Epidata Analysis. As far as I know, Epidata Analysis by default gives proportions and confidence intervals assuming for simple random sampling.
Thank you in advance,
Dimitris Papamichail
National School of Public Health, Greece

We have until now decided NOT to include cluster options for the analysis part.
The problem was the overall size of the development work. But also the large development in statistics theory/practice in this respect over the last decades. The difference is in the estimation of variance (basicly).
From the beginning of the EpiData project the intention was ONLY to focus on datadocumentation (and entry) - but later the development of an Analysis module became desired.
I would suggest that users in need of cluster sampling based analysis either go to "comercial software" such as Stata (stata.com) or look into the methods available in the R-project. If you search in the R-project (http://www.r-project.org/) on cluster analysis more than 100 hits will guide you further.
My intention in the further developments could be to write an engine such that the user can call R-modules from within EpiData Analysis.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
On 2011-02-08 09:46, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
I would like to know if there is a way to analyze our data from a vaccination coverage study, in which we used *cluster sampling*, using Epidata Analysis. As far as I know, Epidata Analysis by default gives proportions and confidence intervals assuming for simple random sampling.
Thank you in advance,
Dimitris Papamichail
National School of Public Health, Greece
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