I have two variables that use the hours.
One with the start time of surgery and another with the time of completion of surgery.
How do I get with the times and calculate the time of surgery.
-------------------------------------- Silvano Cesar da Costa Departamento de Estatística Universidade Estadual de Londrina Fone: 3371-4346 --------------------------------------

The answer is different for Entry and Analysis and depends on how you have coded time. Entry has check functions for handling time coded as a floating point number (hh.mm - e.g. 1:30 pm is 13.30) - these are described in the Help for adding validation and checks.
In Analysis, you can do the math, but the special functions are not there, so you have to take apart the time.
For time as hh.mm and variables start and finish:
durmin = int(finish) + 60*(finish-int(finish)) - int(start) - 60*(start - int(start)) * That's duration in minutes durhr = durmin / 60.0 * That's duration in hours and fractions of an hour duration = int(durhr) + 100*(durhr - int(durhr)) * That's duration as hh.mm
Jamie Hockin
Silvano wrote wrote:
I have two variables that use the hours.
One with the start time of surgery and another with the time of completion of surgery.
How do I get with the times and calculate the time of surgery.
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