I attend college in CA and my professor insists that I use Epidata for our quantitative analysis. I am taking a research tools class. Everyone with Windows was able to download Epidate, except me, the only Mac user. Actually, it downloaded or appears to have downloaded, but I am not able to open it up. When I try to open it up, it looks lke a corrupt document. It's not acting independently as a software program. I appreciate your help and aide.
Sincerely, Mic

There is no special Mac version of analysis at this moment. The Mac version for data definition and entry is found at: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Your subject therefore should be: download fine, but unable to run EpiData Analysis
Users should be aware that when you decide on which computer system to use you also limit your choices - unless you go for software that works on all operating systems. The reason we now wish to develop versions for several operating systems including Linux is to give users choice and to remove the obstacles by proprietory oriented systems such as Mac and Windows.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
I attend college in CA and my professor insists that I use Epidata for our quantitative analysis. I am taking a research tools class.

To run EpidataStat (aka Analysis) on a Mac, you have two choices:
1. Dual-boot approach - install Boot Camp, buy a Windows OS and you can have a Windows machine or Mac when you restart the computer 2. Emulator approach - install Wine - this is explained pretty well at http://davidbaumgold.com/tutorials/wine-mac/ . I chose to install Winebottler, which is much simpler than the approach at that link. It's available at http://winebottler.kronenberg.org/
There are other Windows emulators around.
Under Wine/Winebottler, any file ending in .exe is treated as a Windows program. Winebottler creates a pseudo C: drive for you, but still gives you access to the full hard drive. EpidataStat works perfectly this way.
There is no special Mac version of analysis at this moment. The Mac version for data definition and entry is found at: http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
Your subject therefore should be: download fine, but unable to run EpiData Analysis
Users should be aware that when you decide on which computer system to use you also limit your choices - unless you go for software that works on all operating systems. The reason we now wish to develop versions for several operating systems including Linux is to give users choice and to remove the obstacles by proprietory oriented systems such as Mac and Windows.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
I attend college in CA and my professor insists that I use Epidata for our quantitative analysis. I am taking a research tools class.
EpiData-list mailing list EpiData-list@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/epidata-list
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