Serious bug identified (only in a special type of projects with related dataforms) - update to new EntryClient

Yesterday - We have identified a bug which have created incorrect data in a certain situation . therefore - an updated EntryClient version has been uploaded (EntryClient today.
The change is due to a serious bug in RELATED dataforms. With single dataforms there is NO problem.
For most projects with related dataforms the situation is: 1 New observations are added with unique key fields (say "project id"+"date of visit") 2 key values are never changed.
Then you have NO problem and your data are correct.
But if a project has: a. related set of dataforms (main + one or more child dataforms) b. the key contains MORE than ONE field. c. you have edited (changed) values in one of the key fields after entering records "above" a child form d. child records for more than one observation have the same value in a key field which was edited at a higher level
AND you can say YES to all of a+b+c+d there is reason to check your data. If there is doubt for a given project you are welcome to contact us by mail at "info at" for further advice.
The situation arose when we changed a flat file structure to a related structure. We split the flat file to four subfiles and imported the data into a related structure. As a first step gave one of three fields of the key the same value, whereas obviously the combination of three fields was unique. Following import this was correct, but after changing all 1000 records we realized the problem.
We apologize very much for the inconvenience this might incur, but do hope that you will continue to report any strange behaviour. Only by meticulous observation can we find such unfortunate bugs.
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark
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EpiData development and support