Dear all, How do i make it possible for multiple options in the questionaire to be picked instead of only one. For example.
3.Since This time Yesterday Has the child recieved any of the following?(Tick all that Apply)
ÿ 1 = Vitamin,Mineral supplementation orMedicine
ÿ 2 = Plain water
ÿ 3 = Sweetened, flavoured water or fruit juice or tea or infusion
* *
ÿ 4 = Oral rehydration solution (ORS).
* *
ÿ 5 = Tinned, powdered or fresh milk or infant formula.
ÿ 6 = Solid or semi-solid (mushy) food
* *
ÿ 7 = Any other liquids (specify):
* *
* * How do i set it that all chosen options are entered.

This and two other questions are probably from the same person. It is really important to say whether you are working with classic EpiData (Entry) or the new EpiData (EpiDataManager and EpiDataEntryClient)
For either version, however, you can use a series of fields to record answers to question like the one you have
3.Since This time Yesterday Has the child recieved any of the following?(Tick all that Apply)
Each of the responses has its own field definition. You can use a Boolean (Yes/No) for each, or code them any way you want as a single digit or character.
The other two questions have the same answer - use a text field.
PLEASE, look at the many examples posted on the web site (epidata.dk) to understand how to use EpiData. There is also a good, short overview document there.
On 2012-08-24, at 2:09 AM, epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
How do i make it possible for multiple options in the questionaire to be picked instead of only one. For example.
participants (1)