Re: EpiData - JUMPS involving calculations

You do not use the JUMP command, but rather use the logic you show in your message. Use the Edit button in the Check screen and type in the if statement. You have access to many useful functions as well - in this case the ABSolute value function. There are good examples in the help file accessible from within EpiData.
WT2 if abs(wt1 - wt2) <= 0.5 then goto WT3 endif END
Jamie Hockin Public Health Agency of Canada
I am a new EpiData user. I am creating a data entry screen for anthropometric data.
There are two weight measurements - and a third if the first two differ by +/- 0.5 kg.
How can I incorporate this calculation in the JUMP section of the Add/Revise Checks so
(1) if WT1 - WT2 GE 0.5 OR LE -0.5 go to WT3 (2) else go to HT1 [the next field]
Thank you.
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