Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 111, Issue 1

Dear Nicolás,
Nice that you use the mailing list.
To add just few lines on Jamie's suggestions.
Use the EpiData Entry (classic) for your serious project until the all functions are implemented in the Data Manager (just to avoid frustration going through each variable to add the check, work that you have already done). Unless that you can import the check file too with your rec.file.
2) Are the new features in Manager worthy enough to switch. J) If you are not using related files or calculations within your .chk file, the answer is yes. Those two features are not yet implemented. T) For time saving in designing form: yes, you can copy and paste your text from MS Word/Notepad into EpiData Manager and move easily the fields.
3) Shall I have to learn it all over again (is it too different) J) Not that different; the concepts are the same. T) Very intuitive, you are not going to spend much time on finding out how it is easy to use the EpiData Manager.
4) My project is essentially the final version of a previous pilot study, the questionnaires I used were modified, but a substantial part of them weren't modified. I was planning to adapt my old .qes and .chk files for this project. Is this possible if I switch to manager?
J) You can import your existing .rec files, including data, and then modify your project entry screen; or you could start from scratch. It is worth figuring out how to create new fields with the shortcut keys. T) Yes it is possible, but you can copy and paste the text from questionnaire (.qes) then setting your check in the appropriate fields (where you will spend some times doing it for each variable). My suggestion is that you stick to the old version then modify or add few variables/check for your project.
After that you can continue exploring how to use the new version and see its functionality during your spare time (if any).
I hope this helps
On 7 January 2013 18:00, wrote:
Nicolás Montalva
participants (1)