Dear all,
I need to create a smallest datafile to work on it for logistic regression In EPIINFO6 it was very easy. the command was:
route c:\data\preclog.rec
write recfile chgt multi capot diaf foam withdraw cream depo rythm pil iud \
precl \
For epidata it is logopen "c:\data\preclog.rec"
but after, write recfile does nor work in Epidata
What is the process please?
Dr Pierre-Yves Robillard Réanimation néonatale et pediatrique, néonatologie Centre Hospitalier Régional Groupe Hospitalier Sud-Réunion BP 350. 97448 Saint-Pierre cedex Ile de la réunion _____
From: To: Sent: Fri, 12 Apr 2019 21:00:30 +0400 Subject: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 181, Issue 4
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Problems appending files (EpiData development and support)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2019 19:09:30 +0200 From: EpiData development and support To: EpiData development and support Subject: Re: [EpiData-list] Problems appending files Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Dear Omar Bautista:
In the new analysis, this would be the grammar if you would wish to append the four files a.epx, b.epx, c.epx, d.epx and to sa ve them to a new file abcd.epx that you can then use henceforth:
cls; read "a.epx"; append !fn := "b.epx"; append !fn := "c.epx"; append !fn := "d.epx";
save "abcd.epx" !replace;
Best regards,
On 10-Apr-19 20:20, EpiData development and support wrote:
?Thanks! Very well explained.
I'm now exporting the data from EpiData using STATA format, on separate files. And then handling some merge-append functions within R. I will record the commands to run them as a little R script to make it more automatic. At least, this is working. But it would be great, in a near future, to learn how to solve this automatic id problem within EpiData.

Please write which version you are using.
It seems to be Epidata analysis classic.
Bw jens Lauritsen
Den 26. april 2019 07.55.04 CEST, EpiData development and support skrev:
Dear all,
I need to create a smallest datafile to work on it for logistic regression In EPIINFO6 it was very easy. the command was:
route c:\data\preclog.rec
write recfile chgt multi capot diaf foam withdraw cream depo rythm pil iud \
precl \
For epidata it is logopen "c:\data\preclog.rec"
but after, write recfile does nor work in Epidata
What is the process please?
Dr Pierre-Yves Robillard Réanimation néonatale et pediatrique, néonatologie Centre Hospitalier Régional Groupe Hospitalier Sud-Réunion BP 350. 97448 Saint-Pierre cedex Ile de la réunion ___

Check the help file for EpiData Analysis.
You want to delete variables (DROP command) that you don’t want and then save the file (SAVE command)
On Apr 26, 2019, at 01:55, EpiData development and support wrote:
Dear all,
I need to create a smallest datafile to work on it for logistic regression In EPIINFO6 it was very easy. the command was:
route c:\data\preclog.rec
write recfile chgt multi capot diaf foam withdraw cream depo rythm pil iud \
precl \
For epidata it is logopen "c:\data\preclog.rec"
but after, write recfile does nor work in Epidata
What is the process please?
Dr Pierre-Yves Robillard Réanimation néonatale et pediatrique, néonatologie Centre Hospitalier Régional Groupe Hospitalier Sud-Réunion BP 350. 97448 Saint-Pierre cedex Ile de la réunion _____

Dear Pierre-Yves:
Explicitly, you would have - example - a data set that you read and manipulate in EpiData Analysis [classic] as follows:
cls close read "original.rec"
* Contains variables VAR01, VAR02, .... , VAR19, VAR20 * Has 1200 records
* 1) Reduce number of variables * => keep only some variables to your choice: keep var01 var03 var05 var10 var11 var16 * if the converse gives less to write, use: * drop var02 var04 var06 var07 etc
* 2) Reduce number of records [assuming sorted by your preference] * Select only the first 500 records: select recnumber<501
* Save the new data set: savedata "reduced_set.rec" /replace
* Use the new set: cls close read "reduced_set.rec"
* All this is in the superb help file which you get with F1 in EpiData Analysis V2.2.3.187
Best regards,
On Apr 26, 2019, at 01:55, EpiData development and support wrote:
Dear all,
I need to create a smallest datafile to work on it for logistic regression In EPIINFO6 it was very easy. the command was:
route c:\data\preclog.rec
write recfile chgt multi capot diaf foam withdraw cream depo rythm pil iud \
precl \
For epidata it is logopen "c:\data\preclog.rec"
but after, write recfile does nor work in Epidata
What is the process please?
Dr Pierre-Yves Robillard
participants (1)
EpiData development and support