Epidata Entry: DEFINE var not seen in file structure or analysis

Dear Epidata Users
Hope you can help me understand why this problem is arising.
I have created a CHK file with the commends: BEFORE FILE ??? DEFINE var1 ??? DEFINE var2 END
....more code----
var1 and var2 are child age in days and months respectively, computed from date of admission-date of birth;
...code--- dateadm ??? AFTER ENTRY ??? ?? LET aged=dateadm-dob ??? ?? LET agem=(dateadm-dob)/30 ??? END END
Now when I try to "File Structure" to see the variables created in the database, I do not see these 2 new variables. Even in Epidata Analysis, after reading the file, these variables do not appear in the variable lsit.
Have I missed something? Thanks SK
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