bug tracking possibility - new system in test

In the preparation for compliance with GCP guidelines and general handling of the 2006-2010 development plan it is important to document bugs and issues resolved.
A new bug tracking system is in test.
Anyone who wishes to participate can sign on as reporter at : http://www.epidata.dk/php/mantis
Following the testing further setup is required before the site will be operational: e.g.: definition of categories definition of projects definition of maintainers/managers etc.
It the system is approved, then a cleanup will be made before final and further usage.
But to me it seems as if the maintenance, running and using of the system should be easy. A few other options has been considered, but they seemed to detailed for the purpose.
Kind regards
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

epidata-list@lists.umanitoba.ca wrote:
In the preparation for compliance with GCP guidelines
Which set(s) of GCP guidelines is Epidata using as the goal? A quick Google on "GCP guidelines" reveals that there are many, many versions and types of such guidelines.
Tim C
participants (1)