New public release of Manager and EntryClient (version 1.4.4)

Dear all
The only problems reported with the test version last week was some visual problems on Mac computers when browsing data in Manager and EntryClient.
We have therefore today released the next version 1.4.4 of Manager and EntryClient for general production use. Please find the updated versions on:
We suggest that all users update to this version, since all reported issues (to the best of our knowledge) have been solved, including the problematic "start up" issue on MAC, and program crash when the user removed fields involved in Jumps, Compare values or Calculations.
The download page is now suggesting users to get the epx based Manager and EntryClient and only use the old "Classic Epidata Entry" in situations with relational databases and need for extended calculations during entry.
In short the enhanced functionality since 1.4.2 are:
Common to Manager and EntryClient: * Introduces a new .lock file principle, indicating that a given file is already in use. * Prevents loading project files created with "future" (experimental) versions of the programs. * On Linux/Windows a new and improved dataset viewer. Much faster on very large datasets. * Show progressbar when loading/importing files.
Manager: * New "Data Validation Report", for a list of possible errors in current dataset. * New field tools: Clear Data and Recode Data. * Added EPX as export (save partial or whole project as a new epx) * Improved support for DDI export, including compliance with Danish Data Archive specifications (See * Improved Stata import and SPSS export. * Improved Study Information * Improvements to text-reports including Study Information. * Export report documenting export to any format.
EntryClient: * Valuelabel and/or range information is show as note upon entry to a field. * New path for placing backup files, rather than same place as original file * Use of "+" on Date or Time field automatically inserts current date or time.
Development will now continue with aspects of relational databases in the preparation of securing user access and logging. More on that later.
Should any problem arise do not hesitate to report these on this list. A report from a user last week of dysfunction of this list could not be replicated. Most likely it could be due to someone sending posts with html formatted mail instead of text .
Torsten Christiansen and Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association, Denmark
participants (1)