Just uploaded: Version 2.0.5 build 145 Release candidate for v2.1
* Extended or adapted function o lifetable :New command for life tables and Kaplan Meier plots o New syntax for compact tables: tab outcome variables /ct [/OA /O /RR] o Uniform syntax for lifetable, epicurve, compact tables, ciplot cmd outcome ..... The outcome variable is the first one o Uniform options for No Confidence Interval: /NOCI (lifetables, ciplot) o SPC charts: to exclude information on central values: /NCVI o More table headers in control of user, see: set table ct ..., set lifetable header ... * Bugs fixed o /c=xxx can now be used for value labels with string variables o percent signs cannot be used in lines with a comment * o Sorting tables now correct in dialogs and /fv tables o Table dialog for Pareto corrected to take string variables o Extra lines on graph PNG files removed (bottom and right side) o other bugs fixed
See full information on the testing and analysis version files referenced on Http://www.epidata.dk/testing.php
A decision has been made to include lifetables and Kaplan Meier plots in next release (v2.1). Please test this in the just uploaded build. The command accepts two different syntax forms: lifetable outcome time lifetable outcome startdate enddate
We are still clarifying some aspects of translation, which necessitates postponing v2.1 release. Another issue being investigated just now is the possibility to include new SPC graph types.
The main objective for v2.1 release is that after release a major rebuild will take place of structures not updated since the very first analysis parts and also allow for user defined add-on modules.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)