Dear all Early October I wrote about the new XML format and informed of a new test application "After a few weeks of comments on the format a new test application will be created.". As I have informed later in October the decision was made to create a test and verifying application instead.
This has now been completed and the next steps of development are:
1. Develop a database builder, which will support: a. reading something resembling the "old qes file" b. visual building of a datafile structure (like the old epi6 "macro's" c. data entry definition of data structure, metadata and field attributes . field attributes are e.g. confirm, mustenter, top of form 2. Develop a data entry tool based on the new XML structure 3. Add to the entry tool GCP principles (transaction logging) 4. Add to Analysis documentation features not needed during dataentry 5. Add to the builder script based entry control. E.g. after entry .... if then ..... etc 6. Add to the entry tool handling of script based control.
The principles of defining data entry systems and the entry control process will be defined in these levels: a . basic level - only field types and field labels are defined. (currently: create datafile from qes file) b. add metadata at field, file and study level (value labels/comment legal, missing data definitions etc.). c. add control at field and file level (mustenter, repeat, dataform colour, jumps etc) d. add scripting (before file, after file, after entry)
The intention is to add translation very early in this process.
The list will be informed at appropriate times. All test applications will be placed on the epidata.dk/testing.php.
Documentation of the XML structures are found at: http://www.epidata.org/dokuwiki/doku.php/documentation:datafileformat_xml
Documentation of the test application for file structures will be placed in the wiki as well (later).
Two seminars are expected (if all goes as planned during the first half of 2010): a. Technical programming seminar with the purpose of defining a plug-in principle for the entry tool as well as analysis. b. Public oriented seminar focused on datadocumentation principles, celebration of the first 10 years of EpiData Software development, release of the source code for all above as open-source and strategic decisions on funding and resources for future developments.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)