Re: EpiData-list Digest, Vol 74, Issue 5

Hello Everybody,
Thank's for the new release and the great work done. I was wondering if it would be possible to edit qes file as in the previous epidata entry? I think this function is useful to quickly design a new data structure. Best Regards Olivier Hacquet, Paris, France a écrit :
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Today's Topics:
- First public test of the EpiData Manager available for Mac, Linux and Windows (
Message: 1 Date: Mon, 21 Dec 2009 22:50:30 +0100 From: Subject: [EpiData-list] First public test of the EpiData Manager available for Mac, Linux and Windows To: Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Dear all
Early October I announced the new XML format and mid November followed up with a six point strategy. The first part of this is now ready for testing.
The overall design of the future EpiData software has now evolved to this decision: a. EpiData Manager: data and project manager b. EpiData Entry Client: data entry client c. EpiData Analysis: analysis and reporting (plus epic for some batch operations)
The products are not ready yet in the new rebuilt versions, but just now you are welcome to test and comment on the first public test release version of the EpiData Manager.
The test release supports operating systems. (Win, Mac, Linux) in 32 and 64 bit versions. Please download from: Http://
Just download and unzip (un-tar etc) the file, which contains only one exe file.
What you can test is: a read datafiles in supported formats (qes, rec, dta, dbf, csv ..) look at the dataform created based on the contents of the read file. b. create a new datastructure from scratch add fields by clicking on a toolbar or using command keys c. move fields around with the mouse (does not work in Mac yet) d. save files in the new recxml file documented on the wiki. See the testing.php page.
Please discuss the interface design, implementation and test results in your opinion on this list. Reproducible errors can be reported to the bug-reporting database. See the testing.php page.
Development continues with more aspects. Just using say 15 minutes should tell you whether the new principle is intuitive or not.
Meanwhile I am starting a quest for more funding to continue developments beyond the current plans ending quite soon. Any ideas for funding or donations are welcomed. It seems to me we should all try to get funding to secure the current staff (one person plus partial payments for a few others) for another year before the whole package is ready for general release as open-source in a sustainable way. The current test release should work as a "proof of concept" in relation to the shift and release for several operating systems.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
End of EpiData-list Digest, Vol 74, Issue 5

Olivier Hacquet, Paris, France asked the question:
I was wondering if it would be possible to edit qes file as in the previous epidata entry? I think this function is useful to quickly design a new data structure.
The principle for designing data structures with the new EpiData Manager (part "Define Data") are: a: visual design of new structures with the mouse and/or function keys. b: import structure (and data) from existing files of supported type (rec, qes, txt, dta, dbf, recxml ....) if the file contains data the number of records will be shown in the statusbar.
After one of a or b fields and labels can be moved with the mouse or change to default position by pressing F11, as well as fields can be renamed etc. Current data file stru ture is shown with F12 or appropriate toolbar button.
Obviously users are in need of introduction and guides explaining this, but until we these exist the following notes can be used:
a. Visual design using the mouse and/or Function keys.
a1 Using the mouse: --1 The user points selects with the mouse a "button" for a given type of variable on the toolbar --2 The user moves the mouse pointer to a place on the "empty dataform" --3 Clicks and a small question form is shown, where the name of the field and a field label can be given --4 The field is shown on the form after the user presses "OK".
a2 Using only function keys and specifying field labels, names and details: --1 press the appropriate function key for a given field type F2 (integer) F3 (float) F4 (string) F5 (text label) F6 - F8 (dates DMY MDY YMD) --2 The field will be added below the previous field without the use of the mouse.
a3 Using only functions keys (no field labels added, only field names, default types) --1 press SHIFT+the appropriate function key for a given field type SHIFT+F2 (integer) SHIFT+F3 (float) SHIFT+F4 (string) etc.
b. import structure from existing files of supported type (rec, qes, txt, dta, dbf ...) In principle the same process is done regardless of whether the imported file: b1: Contains data (such as rec files, stata files, csv/txt delimited files etc) b2: An empty qes file only describing the structure.
Therefore if the user likes the "QES" principle, then just create a qes file as before with any editor, save the text file and import or open the file after creating a new dataform ("Define Data" or Ctrl+N) via the button "open" (Ctrl+O) or add structure .
Please discuss on this list whether there is still a need for a text editor, when the software can work with the "visual design" as described above. - and in particular when the possibility of importing a qes file exists. It only means that the qes file must be created outside the manager, which will be optimised for the new approach with the visual design. I think we could consider adding (import from clipboard), just as in EpiData Analysis, which in essense is the same as point b1 or b2 above.
From an empirical point of view we should make some tests when teaching: Take a questionnaire which is only on paper: a - create a qes file and import that using point b2 above. b - create the fields from the questionnaire and add fields using the approach a1-a3. And in each e.g. measure the time to do so or the number of errors needing corrections for a class of say 20 students. Individual users can do the same test and compare the time.
Best regards and happy new year to all
Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association
participants (1)