Changed principles for passwords

Dear All Due to several requests the list will from now on send password reminders from time to time. You can go into the list specification and turn this on (after you receive the first reminder).
It would be constructive for the development of the Core module if users could find some time to challenge the core-module-test application in Linux or Windows. See Report success and/or failures to the list.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

Dear List Members,
I downloaded both the Windows and (Ubuntu) Linux new core programs to test. So far, I got to look at the Windows version.
The test data used was some 5000 records created for a Juvenile Criminal Justice Research Project. The data was generated by a handy program of Christian Maas -- Random file generator, command line version. The command In a BAT file was:
RndFileC.exe /R=5000 /Z=YYYY/MM/DD /N=8 /F=1,; /N=9 /F=1,; /C=13 /F=1,; /C=1 /F=1,; /C=15 /F=1,; /C=25 /F=1,; /C=13 /F=1,; /C=2 /F=1,; /C=9 /F=1,; /C=2 /F=1,; /Y=1945,1960 /F=1,; /C=1 /F=1,; /Y=1950,1965 /F=1,; /C=3 /F=1,; /N=5 jpomas.dat
and a few lines of the data in `jpomas.dat' looks like:
Data wa imported into the stable EpiData 3.1 (270108) with dictionary:
DATA FILE: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner.YOUR-E92F6775CF\My Documents\jpo_lc\rand-jpo.rec File label: [none]
File size: 645 kb Last revision: 1. May 2008 1:04 PM Number of fields: 15 Number of records: 5000 Checks applied: Yes (Last revision 1. May 2008 1:05 PM)
Fields in data file:
No. Name Variable label Field type Width Checks -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 i1 Client Ident Text 8 Key unique 1 Code Must enter
2 i2 Soc Security Nbr Text 9
3 i3 First Name Text 13
4 i4 Middle Initial Upper-case text 1
5 i5 Last Name Text 15
6 i6 Local Address Text 25
7 i7 City Text 13
8 i8 State Upper-case text 2
9 i9 Zip Code Upper-case text 9
10 i10 County Code Upper-case text 2
11 d1 Date of Birth Date (mdy) 10
12 v1 Gender Upper-case text 1
13 i11 Date Entered Today (mdy) 10
14 i12 Entered by Upper-case text 3
15 mid Auto ID ID number 5
Since I don't have either Stata or a program which uses dBase, the best I could do was export the EpiData file to Stata and then read it back in. Seems `i4' and `v1' were blank and the dates were an assortment of +/- numbers (probably how dates are kept in Stata). The check file (as originally read from the EpiData 3.1 database was all right, but this was a very simple one and not UTF-8.
Other thoughts: maybe a SQLite import/export later on.
Pete Geddes wrote:
Dear All <...> It would be constructive for the development of the Core module if users could find some time to challenge the core-module-test application in Linux or Windows. See Report success and/or failures to the list.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association <...>

Good to see Pete Geddes testing. The idea of a number of "complicated" random data sets for testing is a good one.
Just four comments: a. It would be good for the further testing if you could create a zip file with the data and upload to the bug/development system - see the link on
b. It seems you are reading the dates as : mdy, but looking at the data the dates are ymd
which might explain the strange date values you have seen.
c. Regarding UTF-8 This really does only come to play with localised alphabets/letters.
11 d1 Date of Birth Date (mdy) 10
12 v1 Gender Upper-case text 1
13 i11 Date Entered Today (mdy) 10
d. regarding Operating systems The linux version. We will create a list of dependencies. Next in line is testing a Mac version - but awaits arrival of hardware.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

Greetings -
I can't find the link to upload the test data on the bug development system, so I temporarily put it at:
until you can move it over (item a, below). I have some excellent programs for generating realistic test data, but it looked so real I am afraid it may get mistaken for real data and get me in trouble. I would be glad to make some other datasets for testing. My usual practice is to set up an EpiData database, enter a few records, export them them, then use a program to generate similar data, which is imported back in as a EpiData file.
Setting aside (b) and (c), as far as (d) goes (and considering Torsten's comment on Ubuntu Linux:
I do have the basic Ubuntu 32 bit and will put it on a USB hard drive. Right now only the 64 bit is installed, for which I have the entire repository. Unfortunately I use an AT&T wireless 3G broadband and don't have it working with Linux (although Ubuntu has a 3G driver).
Pete Geddes wrote:
Good to see Pete Geddes testing. The idea of a number of "complicated" random data sets for testing is a good one.
Just four comments: a. It would be good for the further testing if you could create a zip file with the data and upload to the bug/development system - see the link on
b. It seems you are reading the dates as : mdy, but looking at the data the dates are ymd
which might explain the strange date values you have seen.
c. Regarding UTF-8 This really does only come to play with localised alphabets/letters.
11 d1 Date of Birth Date (mdy) 10 12 v1 Gender Upper-case text 1 13 i11 Date Entered Today (mdy) 10
d. regarding Operating systems The linux version. We will create a list of dependencies. Next in line is testing a Mac version - but awaits arrival of hardware.
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association _______________________________________________ EpiData-list mailing list

The following strategy is optimal for documentation and discussions: a. If you think an option is desired, problematic or needs comments: -> write to the epidata-list: epidata-list at b. If there is something you cannot get to work or you do not know how to: -> write to the epidata-list: epidata-list at c. If you found a problem, which needs development, is reproducible and you have a specific example: -> report to the documentation and bug reporting database: The Bug and documentation database link is now on the frontpage of
regards Jens Lauritsen EpiData Association

I tried the Linux version on a Gateway AMD Turion 64x2 computer with Ubuntu 8.10 (64 bit); no luck at all. Program identified as executable and all the proper permissions.
Could we have some more information on the Core module for Linux? Any other requirements?
Also, for those Windows users who want to use Ubuntu without messing up their PC, it is possible (on most newer PCs) to install Linux on an USB hard drive and choose to boot from the USB drive. Just don't mess with the Windows master boot sector, but install the Linux (Grub) loader on the USB. (Better ask someone familiar first time -- and have things backed up!)
Pete Geddes

Dear Pete.
I tried the Linux version on a Gateway AMD Turion 64x2 computer with Ubuntu 8.10 (64 bit); no luck at all. Program identified as executable and all the proper permissions.
The problem is that the compiled version on the website is for 32-bit only. I guess you could try to install the 32-bit libraries (done through synaptic in ubuntu, i just can't remember the exact names) and have another go.
At the moment we don't have a compiled 64-bit edition of the core test module, but keep a close look at the website.
Kind regards, Torsten Bonde Christiansen. Software Developer, Epidata.
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