Installation problems on mac

I have been trying to install the new Epidata for Mac. I have an intel cor i7. I have tried to install both versions of manager v1.1 (intel and power pc). Every time I get the massage that at step 4: Could not create directory /Users/dinahsherzadkhatir/Epidata/data. And step 9 says installation has failed. I have tried to use a different directory but I still get the same massage.
Regards Dinah Sherzad Khatir Læge, phd-studerende Nyremedicinsk Afdeling C Skejby Sygehus Mail: Mobil nr.: 22949004

I've had no trouble installing on my Mac. It uses the same settings for the data directory as my previous installs without my changing anything. I have an older Macbook Pro (intel Core Duo). Don't use the power pc version.
On 2012-06-26, Dinah wrote:
I have been trying to install the new Epidata for Mac. I have an intel cor i7. I have tried to install both versions of manager v1.1 (intel and power pc). Every time I get the massage that at step 4: Could not create directory /Users/dinahsherzadkhatir/Epidata/data. And step 9 says installation has failed. I have tried to use a different directory but I still get the same massage.

I have had trouble with mac as well; I have a MacBook Pro from a fem years back. The installation actually went allrigth, but when I then tried to run epidata, the startup of the program failes and I cannot use it. I tried to reinstall epidata, but still no success.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: [] På vegne af Sendt: 27. juni 2012 19:57 Til: Emne: Re: [EpiData-list] Installation problems on mac
I've had no trouble installing on my Mac. It uses the same settings for the data directory as my previous installs without my changing anything. I have an older Macbook Pro (intel Core Duo). Don't use the power pc version.
On 2012-06-26, Dinah wrote:
I have been trying to install the new Epidata for Mac. I have an intel cor i7. I have tried to install both versions of manager v1.1 (intel and power pc). Every time I get the massage that at step 4: Could not create directory /Users/dinahsherzadkhatir/Epidata/data. And step 9 says installation has failed. I have tried to use a different directory but I still get the same massage.
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