See below.
Katrina Cachero RD MSc
Master of Applied Human Nutrition (MAHN) Preceptor Liaison
Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
Follow MAHN on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/um_mahn/ | Follow MAHN on LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/um-mahn/about/
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.
________________________________ From: Ciara Day cday2@hsc.mb.ca Sent: Thursday, July 18, 2024 12:51:32 PM To: Katrina Cachero Katrina.Cachero@umanitoba.ca Subject: Study Prep
Hope this helps everyone get a better understanding on how to prepare for the CDRE exam!
* Review CDRE Preparation Guide (found here: Canadian Dietetic R (collegeofdietitians.org)https://www.collegeofdietitians.org/resources/registration/registration-exam/cdre-preparation-guide.aspx * Read front to back!! * Very important sections: * Preparing to Take the Exam * How to Read an Exam Question * On the Day of the Exam * Example Blueprint (Appendix H) * Example Exam Questions (Appendix I) * Example Exam Answers (Appendix J) * Visit CDRE Exam website for all exam timing/date/registration details * Exam | College of Dietitians of Manitoba (collegeofdietitiansmb.ca)https://www.collegeofdietitiansmb.ca/registration/categories-process/graduate-dietitian/exam/ * Visit College of Dietitians of Ontario for Jurisprudence and Professional Practice Resources (found here: College of Dietitians - Jurisprudence & Professional Practice Resourceshttps://www.collegeofdietitians.org/programs/practice-advisory-program/professional-practice-resources.aspx) * Go through all topic areas * Scenarios, quizzes, videos etc. * Collect all materials from your internship/undergrad degree to build study package that aligns with competencies (in prep guide – exam blueprint) * Don’t forget about Food Services and Research materials! * Review your black book!!! * Print this off – easier than looking on your phone/computer * Review your notes/re take Public Health Course on Dietitians of Canada * Review the following for best practices on menu planning (specific for LTC but gives a good general idea) * Microsoft Word - 2019 Dietitians of Canada Best Practices for Nutrition, Food Service and Dining in LTC Homes.docxhttps://www.dietitians.ca/DietitiansOfCanada/media/Documents/Resources/2019-Best-Practices-for-Nutrition,-Food-Service-and-Dining-in-Long-Term-Care-LTC-Homes.pdf * Dietitians of Canadahttps://www.dietitians.ca/DietitiansOfCanada/media/Documents/Resources/Menu-Planning-in-Long-Term-Care-with-Canada-s-Food-Guide-2020.pdf?ext=.pdf * If you are looking for more practice exam questions, this course can be helpful * About The Course – Sue Behari | Registered Canadian Dietitian, CDRE Coursehttps://suebehari.com/about-the-course/ * Tips: * Study for this exam like you would any exam! * Choose the BEST answer (sometimes more than one answer is correct) * Skip questions during exam if you aren’t able to answer them within a minute – time is precious! * Review exam program formatting PRIOR to exam day. * Good luck!
Take care,
Ciara Day, RD Clinical Dietitian HSC Winnipeg, Shared Health GD325 - 820 Sherbrook St, Winnipeg MB R3A 1R9 cday2@hsc.mb.camailto:cday2@hsc.mb.ca | Phone 204-787-3052 | Fax 204-787-1777
Please note my usual days of work are Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursday and Fridays. I will respond as soon as I am able.
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