Hi All,
Please see below for the details of an event being held by our GSA!
Dear Fellow Graduate Students, Undergraduates and Postdocs,
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming **Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders: Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences Quiz and Debate Competition**, organized by the Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences Graduate Students' Association (FHNS GSA) in collaboration with the 7 departments under FAFS.
This exciting event aims to showcase the academic excellence and leadership potential within our diverse departments, covering a wide array of disciplines including Agribusiness & Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, Biosystems Engineering, Entomology, Food and Human Nutritional Sciences, Plant Science, and Soil Science.
Event Details We have everything ready to kick off the registration process for this exciting event. Below are the competitions and highlights:
- Quiz Competition - Debate Competition - Best Departmental Representation Award**
We are attaching posters for each competition along with links to the guidelines and registration forms. Please make sure to register before **July 3rd, 2024**.
Why Participate? - **Cash Awards**: Attractive cash prizes for all competitions. - **Networking**: A great opportunity to connect with peers and faculty members. - **Recognition**: Showcase your department’s strengths and achievements. -**Teamwork**: Build up your team and strive to win together!
This is a wonderful chance to come together as a faculty and celebrate our collective academic prowess and leadership.
Timeline Preliminary Rounds: July and August, 2024 Final Heat: Second week of September, 2024
Registration and Guidelines Register Here: https://forms.office.com/r/qXByv3tx4Y
Debate Competition: [https://res.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.png] Debate Competition Rules and Guidelines_FAFS Debate and Quiz Competition.pdfhttps://umanitoba-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/banem_myumanitoba_ca/EbbWJhUb2r9Cj-VL4pXg2CABRfjj_3I-zgtV09bpIBeVSw?e=v6wb9d
Quiz Competition: [https://res.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.png] FAFS Quiz Competition_Rules and Guidelines_FAFS Debate and Quiz Competition.pdfhttps://umanitoba-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/banem_myumanitoba_ca/Ef1CLyHnZZhDlio-QUhFjMUBIoP1Sp6e81tvFO2uQWKvLQ?e=CpuBN2
Best Departmental Representation Award in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences: [https://res-h3.public.cdn.office.net/assets/mail/file-icon/png/pdf_16x16.png... Departmental Representation Award Criteria_FAFS Quiz an Debate Competition.pdfhttps://umanitoba-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/banem_myumanitoba_ca/ES0vXrr11DFEpoAYPyvsdvIB2fnEi_3AOPNP-81UkDwNeA?e=bR93Jl
We are excited about your potential involvement and look forward to working together to make the Empowering Tomorrow's Leaders: FAFS Quiz and Debate Competition a resounding success.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the Event Communication Coordinator at banem@myumanitoba.ca or FHNSGSA@umanitoba.ca.
Assemble your team and join the competitions to showcase your skills and achieve greatness!!
We eagerly anticipate your participation and can't wait to see the incredible talent and teamwork on display!
Thank you,
Best regards,
Chamali Kodikara President Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences Graduate Students' Association on behalf of the FAFS Debate and Quiz Competition Organizing Committee Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences University of Manitoba