Hi Jessica,
I’d be interested! I think I didn’t vote in the poll either, but I just voted for Sand.
Thanks, Pam
Get Outlook for iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef ________________________________ From: Jessica Rutherford Jessica.Rutherford@umanitoba.ca Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 11:59:06 AM To: fafs-mahn@lists.umanitoba.ca fafs-mahn@lists.umanitoba.ca Cc: MAHN Info mahn.info@umanitoba.ca Subject: [Fafs-mahn] Re: MAHN Hoodies for Sale!
Hello All,
I have only received confirmation from 3 students interested in ordering hoodies. However, many more responded to the poll.
The most popular colour from the poll was black hoodie with light blue font with MAHN on sleeve and full name and UM logo on front (as per below).
I am sending this out one more time to determine interest. I can only proceed if we have at least 8 people interested in ordering. No pressure, but I just wanted to confirm.
If you ARE interested in ordering, let me know by e-mail by end of day tomorrow, Wednesday November 14.
Cost is $35+ tax
From: Jessica Rutherford Jessica.Rutherford@umanitoba.ca Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 11:34 AM To: fafs-mahn@lists.umanitoba.ca Cc: Jessica Rutherford Jessica.Rutherford@umanitoba.ca; MAHN Info mahn.info@umanitoba.ca Subject: MAHN Hoodies for Sale!
Hello Everyone,
Way back during Orientation week, some of you asked me about the possibility of purchasing MAHN hoodies. Over the past few weeks, Nofisat has been hard at work looking into various options.
Unfortunately, we are not able to purchase the UM bookstore version as they require a minimum purchase of 48 hoodies.
The option we are moving forward with is from Pembina Source for Sports. The hoody will be $35+tax and our order must be for one sweater colour and font color. The colour we choose this year will be the colour we use each year going forward; therefore it should be a neutral colour. We have identified 4 neutral options below. The font is intended to be font colours taken from the UM logo.
ONLY if you are interested in purchasing a hoody, send me an e-mail indicating your interest AND respond to this poll (View/vote in browserhttps://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=C92AT4wzTE6KFJBEaWL3uFZPMWmIMw5NqIInQ96XSBlUNFdITzIzRE9GVTlGV1MySDg4VzJUSkVVMy4u).
We will require interest from at least 8 students to move forward as we need to place an order for at least 20 (MAHN staff will be purchasing, and we will purchase some to go with the preceptor awards). We will choose the colour combination that is most popular. Please respond by end of day Friday as we will proceed with collecting orders next week.
The hoody colours referenced in the poll can be viewed at this link (and the font colours are all colours from the UM logo)
Gildan Adult Heavy Blend™ 8 oz., 50/50 Hooded Sweatshirt | alphabroder Canadahttps://www.alphabroder.ca/product/g185/gildan-adult-heavy-blend-8-oz-5050-hooded-sweatshirt.html?color=&lang=en-ca
Here is a mockup. It will have “MAHN” down one sleeve and the full program name on the front. If there is unanimous support from those interested, we could look at the possibility of the student version having MAHNSTER instead of MAHN down the sleeve. Please let me know your preference in your e-mail to me.
Jessica Rutherford RD, MSc
Master of Applied Human Nutrition (MAHN) Coordinator
Department of Food and Human Nutritional Sciences
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba
Follow MAHN on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/um_mahn/ | Follow MAHN on LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/company/um-mahn/about/
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.