Sending on behalf of Anny Chen, Lead - Community Engaged Learning:
Hello MAHN students!
Poverty Awareness & Community Action is looking forward to facilitating our workshop for you on Tuesday. The workshop is facilitated by lived experience educators and draws on their lived experiences with poverty and systemic oppressions.
Workshop Prep Complete the pre-workshop form by Fri Dec 13.https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=C92AT4wzTE6KFJBEaWL3uKT9EAh4Zo9CuPzub90mKdlUODY1T0pSRFRWTUtQWlUzUVNVU0tVVjdSRy4u The pre-workshop form reviews workshop expectations and allows students to share if they have lived experiences with poverty and/or other forms of oppression and would like any accommodations.
Thank you, Anny
MAHN Program Team
participants (1)