TIME SENSITIVE: Final Exam Printing and Supplies Information

Hello everyone,
Final Exams are quickly approaching! This email provides important information about Exam Printing for the upcoming Fall 2024 exam period.
Your final exam will need to be sent to RO office to facilitate the printing of exams. Please read carefully. The exam document must be submitted at least ten business days in advance of your exam date.
There are two options for final exam printing and supplies: Option 1 should be used ONLY if you have 49 or LESS students enrolled in a course. Option 2 should be used when you have 50+ students enrolled in a course.
Further information can be reviewed on the Departmental resources - Exam printing and supplies page. https://umanitoba.sharepoint.com/sites/um-intranet-final-exams/SitePages/Printing-exams.aspx?csf=1&web=1&e=5OknpU
Option 1: For those who proceed with printing their own exams please note the following:
1. Printer: use departmental equipment
1. Considerations for printing:
* Format exams using legal size paper (8.5 x 14). * Print a sample copy first to confirm layout, margins, formatting, etc. * Print exams double-sided. * Check current enrollment for the number of exams required (plus a few spares) * For exams seated in multiple rooms, separate exams ahead of time for the number of students in each room. * Confirm the printing requirements and submission deadline with the printing vendor to ensure exams are delivered in time (if applicable).
Option 2: For those exams where printing support will be requested of the Registrar's Office (RO), the exam document must be submitted at least ten business days in advance of the exam date. Exam requests can be submitted prior to the exam document being finalized. In this case, please provide the final exam as soon as it is ready and before the 10 business day deadline. You may submit the form without a document attached and later edit your response on the request form to attach the finalized exam document.
Submitting exams for print: Requests for exam printing and supply support are open. Complete the online request form.https://forms.office.com/r/hWTNsiAuSD
* Exams must be correctly formatted and include page numbers and a header on all pages. For an example, please see the Final Exam Header Template - including the Academic Dishonesty Statementhttps://umanitoba.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/um-intranet-final-exams/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BF9AF85B6-991E-44C0-8503-74BEFC857CD1%7D&file=Registrars%20Office%20Final%20Exam%20header%20template.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true https://umanitoba.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/um-intranet-final-exams/_layouts/15/Doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7BF9AF85B6-991E-44C0-8503-74BEFC857CD1%7D&file=Registrars%20Office%20Final%20Exam%20header%20template.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true * Provide the exam in digital format by uploading it within the Printing Request form. * If dropping off a physical copy (not recommended): * Submit exams in a sealed envelope to the staff drop box at 400 University Centre (on the wall directly across from the door when you walk into the RO). * Do not hand it to a staff member at the front counter.
Delivery of printed exams:
* Exams will be returned to the department by courier directly from the printing vendor. The RO will not be storing or distributing the printed exams on the day of the exam. * Please ensure the address and phone number for the department is included and is accurate on the form when submitting the request.
Upon receipt of printed exams:
1. For reconciliation purposes, please notify the RO, daily of the printed exams received from the courier, by emailing RO.Exams@umanitoba.camailto:RO.Exams@umanitoba.ca 2. Verify exams: Count and check the exams have been correctly printed according to the request. Ensure all pages are included and are of acceptable quality. * Exams seated in multiple roomshttps://umanitoba.ca/registrar/final-exams/final-exam-schedule should be divided at this stage for invigilators. * If there is a printing discrepancy notify the RO immediately - RO.Exams@umanitoba.camailto:RO.Exams@umanitoba.ca
1. Arrange for secure storage of the exams until the exam session:
* Exams should not be accessible to anyone registered in any courses (active students). * Ensure staff are available in case of absences to ensure exams are available on the day of the exam and that exams will be properly invigilated. * Remind instructors to have copies of their invigilator packagehttps://umanitoba.sharepoint.com/:f:/r/sites/um-intranet-final-exams/Shared%20Documents/Conduct%20during%20Final%20Exams?csf=1&web=1&e=WPyES4 for their exam - instructors will receive an informational email from the RO prior to the exam period with the forms and instructions for final exams. * Student Accessibility Services will request exams from the instructor as needed.
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Tamara Friesen (She/Her) Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean Undergraduate University of Manitoba Faculty of Kinesiology & Recreation Management 181 Extended Education Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 umanitoba.ca/kinrechttps://umanitoba.ca/faculties/kinrec/index.html | @umkinrechttps://twitter.com/umkinrec
[fkrm_email_sig_logo] [https://mcusercontent.com/e76bfadee5c3425720d9714d1/images/b78e2351-6c02-ce7...] I acknowledge the University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Ininew, Anisininew, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Red River Métis. I respect the treaties that were made on these territories . Every person deserves a life of health, dignity, kindness, and joy. In the spirit and intent of the treaties, I promise to listen and learn, in harmony with and respect for each other and the land. I dedicate myself to move forward in partnership with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.
participants (1)
Tamara Friesen