As part of the ongoing "Methods & Mediums" series, the Centre for Human Rights Research at the University of Manitoba will be hosting a virtual workshop on Thinking in Pictures on Wednesday, March 15th at 2023 at 12noon CST.
We are thrilled to host Sean Carleton, Gord Hill, Kara Sievewright, and Julia Smith for a conversation on using art and history in human rights research and for social change.
Register now and submit your questions for the speakers at: https://bit.ly/3J1ihKa
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns, -- Centre for Human Rights Research <chrr.info> 442 Robson Hall University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB Canada R3T 2N2 Treaty 1 territory and the homeland of the Métis Nation
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[Poster features a collage of 8 covers of graphic history novels and posters. It is advertising a virtual event exploring the use of comics and art in human rights research.]