Dear colleagues,
I trust this finds you well and enjoying the summer period (hopefully far from wildfires, tornadoes, floods and other increasingly common hazards of our new climate crisis).
I am addressing you having received a request from the Canadian Museum for Human Rights (notably their Research Section and Library) to join CAHRI. I had the pleasure recently to discuss with them their motivations as well as the particular character of their institution as part of the federal Government (with, of course, some arms-length control). They would like to benefit from and contribute to our research and academic community and find ways to cooperate/collaborate to mutual benefit. We believe there exist opportunities in this regard. However, to preserve the full academic freedom of CAHRI members and our association, it has been agreed that the CMHR would join with some limitations to be set out in terms of an "Observer" or "Affiliate" membership (without voting privileges).
I am addressing you now to solicit your views on this idea. Would you favour it or, if not, what are your concerns?
I would be grateful to receive your reactions and any comments in the next couple weeks (before 8 September).
Thanks in advance for your attention and response.
Best wishes, John
Prof. John Packer Professeur Neuberger-Jesin sur la résolution de conflits internationaux Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution Faculté de droit | Faculty of Law Directeur | Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne (CREDP) Director | Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa
Pavillon Fauteux Hall | 57 Louis-Pasteur | Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5 | Canada +1 613-562-5800 (3462) | Téléc./Fax: +1 613-562-5124 Fêtons le 40e anniversaire du CREDPhttps://cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/fr/CREDP40HRREC | Celebrate the 40th anniversary of HRREChttps://cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/en/CREDP40HRREC Twitter @JP_Peacemakinghttps://twitter.com/JP_Peacemaking www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.cahttp://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca