Greetings CAHRI Colleagues,
The Atlantic Human Rights Centre invites you to the 2022 Abdul Q. Lodhi Memorial Lecture in Human Rights, “The Resurgence of Indigenous Law in Canada” with Dr. John Borrows, on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:00 p.m. AST via Zoom.
Dr. Borrows is the Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Law and Professor at the University of Victoria Faculty of Law.
About the lecture, he says: “Indigenous peoples use law to regulate their affairs and resolve their disputes. Indigenous law functions through standards, principles, criteria, measures, guideposts, tradition, precedent, and processes to provide intellectual and cultural resources for making decisions.
“Indigenous law is growing in force and importance and this talk will discuss how and why this is occurring. In the process, legislatures, courts, corporations, law schools and other institutions in Canada are increasingly having to grapple with Indigenous law and Canadian law related to Indigenous peoples. This talk will discuss how Indigenous peoples’ law is an increasingly active force across the land.”
Dr. Borrows is the author of books including Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law (Donald Smiley Award for Best Book in Canadian Political Science, 2002), Canada’s Indigenous Constitution (Canadian Law and Society Best Book Award 2011), Drawing out Law: A Spirit’s Guide (2010), Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism (Donald Smiley Award for Best Book in Canadian Political Science, 2016), The Right Relationship (with Michael Coyle, ed.), Resurgence and Reconciliation (with Michael Asch, Jim Tully, eds.), and Law’s Indigenous Ethics (2020 Best Subsequent Book Award from Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, 2020 W. Wes Pue Best Book Award from the Canadian Law and Society Association).
He is also the 2017 Killam Prize winner in Social Sciences and the 2019 Molson Prize winner from the Canada Council for the Arts, the 2020 Governor General’s Innovation Award winner, and the 2021 Canadian Bar Association President’s Award winner. He was appointed as an Officer of the Order of Canada in 2020. He is a member of the Chippewa of the Nawash First Nation in Ontario.
Please hold the date in your calendar and share with your students and anyone else who may be interested.
We look forward to having you join us.
Dr Shannonbrooke Murphy
Acting Director, Atlantic Human Rights Centre
St Thomas University, Fredericton NB