Notes from CAHRI call - Wednesday January 15th at 1pm EST

Dear colleagues,
Thank you to those who were able to participate in today's CAHRI call. Here are some notes from the discussion;
- Centres/institutes in attendance: Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University, Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba, Human Rights Research & Education Centre, University of Ottawa, Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child, University of Ottawa (LRIDE), International Justice & Human Rights Clinic, University of British Columbia, and Landon Pearson Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children's Rights, Carleton University.
- The call started with brief remarks about the status of each member participating in the call, including information about current projects, major initiatives, recent developments, challenges, etc.
- Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights was presented as a project that could become a joint initiative. John Packer presented the work done to date and the basic principles under which this initiative has operated since its "resurrection" by uOttawa in 2015. He invited institutions interested in joining the editorial board to nominate a representative: Manitoba, McGill and LRIDE indicated their interest. If you would like to join this project, please contact John Packer at He will follow up on this separately.
- The CAHRI webpage hosted by St. Thomas contains a basic statement to explain who is CAHRI and its purpose.
o The idea of meeting in person when possible is mentioned ("the group will seek to meet annually, ideally coinciding with large academic events that member institutions plan to attend. Virtual participation will be an option for members unable to attend in person. The location of the meetings will rotate among member institutions.") With this in mind, are there upcoming opportunities for members to meet? Please send information about such events via the listserv. If a member wishes to take the lead on this to make possible an in person CAHRI meeting in 2020, please indicate this to the group.
§ MIGS and HRREC will host the #RightCity2020 in Ottawa next June 2nd or 3rd. Information to follow in the coming weeks.
o The page also shows information about academic programs members are offering. If your institution has something to add to this list, please send the information to Christina Szurlej at .
- Listserv: members are encouraged to share information about major projects and events via the listserv (use address ). Newsletters from McGill and HRREC will be circulated this way going forward.
- Are there other academic groups that could be a part of CAHRI? If so, please send suggestions to Viviana Fernandez at .
Please feel free to add if I forgot something important. Best wishes!
Viviana Fernandez Directrice adjointe | Assistant Director Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne | Human Rights Research and Education Centre Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa 613-562-5800 (1985) www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca
participants (1)
Viviana Fernandez