Volume IV CYHR (2022-2023)

Dear CAHRI Members, It is my pleasure to introduce you to Dr Ashley Barnes who will be assisting this year as the Managing Editor of our next volume of the Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights (for the two-year period 2022-2023), to be published in 2024. Ashley joined us this year at the HRREC as our Gordon F. Henderson Postdoctoral Fellow. She recently completed her SJD at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law focusing on access to justice and compensation in international law. For further information on her background see herehttps://www.uottawa.ca/research-innovation/hrrec/people/ashley-barnes. She has previously served in a variety of academic editorial roles and is looking forward to bringing that experience to the CYHR in the coming year. She can be reached via her personal email Ashley.Barnes@uottawa.camailto:Ashley.Barnes@uOttawa.ca and will be monitoring our internal account CHRY@uottawa.camailto:CHRY@uottawa.ca. To recall, the first three Volumes of the CYHR are available online (open access) here: https://www.uottawa.ca/research-innovation/hrrec/publications We have recently set the Call for the next volume with a deadline of 31 August 2023 for submissions of proposed articles for the General Section (yes, they could be up-dated to end of 2023 for publication in 2024 - aiming for a summer publication). We would like to organise a meeting to establish the new Editorial Board and decide upon other elements for the next volume of the Yearbook, notably any Special Section(s) and selected Documentation (both relating to the 2022-2023 period). Please confirm who would participate. Each CAHRI Member is eligible for one member of the Editorial Board. We would like to hold the meeting around end of April or early May latest (in order to make the required decisions). Thanks in advance for your consideration and response (to Ashley). Best wishes, John CYHR Editor-in-Chief
Prof. John Packer Professeur Neuberger-Jesin sur la résolution de conflits internationaux Neuberger-Jesin Professor of International Conflict Resolution Faculté de droit | Faculty of Law Directeur | Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne (CREDP) Director | Human Rights Research and Education Centre (HRREC) Université d'Ottawa | University of Ottawa
Pavillon Fauteux Hall | 57 Louis-Pasteur | Ottawa (ON) K1N 6N5 | Canada +1 613-562-5800 (3462) | Téléc./Fax: +1 613-562-5124 Fêtons le 40e anniversaire du CREDPhttps://cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/fr/CREDP40HRREC | Celebrate the 40th anniversary of HRREChttps://cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca/en/CREDP40HRREC Twitter @JP_Peacemakinghttps://twitter.com/JP_Peacemaking www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.cahttp://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca
participants (1)
Frederick John Packer