CAHRI - minutes FEB 19 2021 call

Dear all,
Thank you for participating in the February 19th, 2021 CAHRI call. Here are some notes from our discussion that we hope summarize the main points shared.
Participants: Christina Szurlej, Atlantic Human Rights Centre, St. Thomas University; Nandini Ramanujam, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, McGill University; Adele Perry and Helen Fallding, Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Manitoba; Anna Purkey, Human Rights Program, St. Paul University, University of Waterloo; Mona Paré, Interdisciplinary Research Laboratory on the Rights of the Child (LRIDE), University of Ottawa; Nicole Barrett, International Justice & Human Rights Clinic, University of British Columbia (UBC); Landon Pearson, Landon Pearson Centre for the Study of Childhood and Children's Rights, Carleton University; John Packer, Joao Velloso and Viviana Fernandez, Human Rights Research & Education Centre (HRREC), University of Ottawa.
The meeting started with a round of introductions. John Packer then spoke about the Canadian Yearbook of Human Rights, its origins, the recent online editions (since 2015) and the goal to make this a joint project of CAHRI. For the next edition (2019-2020), he outlined the progress made to date and explained the idea of creating a special section on Covid-19 and its impacts for human rights in Canada, with guest editor Alex Neve, former Secretary General for Amnesty International Canada. The section would feature contributions from CAHRI members. Papers would be policy-oriented, not longer than 10-12 pages and the deadline would be in April to ensure a summer publications for the Yearbook. John will follow-up with those CAHRI members interested in joining the Editorial Board for the Yearbook and will share guidelines for the special section on a separate email, including Alex Neve. Proposals to date cover the following subjects:
* St. Thomas University: Covid-19 and women's rights (disproportionate responsibilities on childcare, care of the elderly, domestic violence, etc.) * Carleton University: human rights based approach applied to children rights during the pandemic, civil and political rights of children. * St. Paul University: migration/refugee related issues, border closures, etc.
* McGill University: Disability in Canada. * HRREC: Covid-19 in prisons and incarceration. * LRIDE: children's rights and welfare. * UBC: Effects on the right of association, freedom of expression or how treaty bodies reporting has been impacted during the pandemic. * University of Manitoba submitted several proposals, including: * Canadian Parents of Students with Disabilities and the Impact of COVID-19: Is this an Inclusive and Equitable Education? * High Impact of COVID-19 in Canada's Indigenous Communities are Human Rights gone Wrong. * Incapacitation Governance, Biosecurity, and Human Rights. * The Pandemic, Poverty and Human Rights.
The group agreed to consider organizing an round table in May (online event) to address "Canada's reaction to the pandemic from a human rights perspective" based on the submitted papers. We can also develop a short policy paper with specific recommendations for government to be released in June. The release could be promoted in the media and on social media to maximize exposure and reach key federal actors.
The meeting continued by sharing short updates from members. Notable dates and initiatives include: Event at St. Thomas University on February 25th at 2pm on perspectives on being a good ally; the 40th anniversary of HRREC during academic year 2021-2022; the 30th anniversary of the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child on December 13th 2021; the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter in 2022; a new international program on Disability, Inclusion and Climate Action, launched by McGill University. Members are encouraged to share news and announcements through the listserv going forward.
Finally, John Packer mentioned the possibility of participating in projects to be proposed by Amnesty International that could be of interest to CAHRI members. He will share information on this shortly.
Very best wishes,
Viviana A. Fernandez Directrice adjointe / Assistant Director Human Rights Research and Education Centre / Centre de recherche et d'enseignement sur les droits de la personne Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa http://www.cdp-hrc.uottawa.ca Follow me on Twitter at @vafi1217
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participants (1)
Viviana Fernandez