Betty, Janice Linton has kindly agreed to be the backup for the Management shift whenever possible as I will be away till June 25. This morning apparently she had some Novell problems and could not get on till close to the hour. I don't know whether both these peoblems are connected, bot the result of course is the same.
Janice, once again, thanks a million!
Quoting lib-virtual-ref@lists.umanitoba.ca:
Hi everyone,
Due to ongoing problems with my libraryh3lp user account I'm not able to log in to chat reference. I'm hoping to get it sorted out by the libraryh3lp developers, but in the meantime I won't be able to cover the Management shift this morning, and possibly not my own regular shift on Wednesday from 1-2pm. I'll keep you posted. thanks Betty
Lib-virtual-ref mailing list Lib-virtual-ref@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/lib-virtual-ref