Hi all, As you may have heard, many of our clients in the hospitals and through the WRHA are having problems accessing our new web pages in CampusGuides. They are prompted for a Userid and password (not their UM one) and when they provide it they go no where. I am asking you to forward me contact information (name, phone number, email) of anyone currently experiencing this problem so that I might pass them on to the people working on this issue at eHealth. With your assistance hopefully we can get this issue resolved today. Thanks, Carol
Carol Cooke HSC Librarian / HSL Web Services Librarian Neil John Maclean Health Sciences Library - University of Manitoba 770 Bannatyne Ave Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3 ph. 204-789-3840 cel. 204-290-6710 fax. 204-789-3922 email. Carol_Cooke@umanitoba.ca Calendar - http://app.timebridge.com/mytime/carolcooke
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