In case you get any reference question (in person or VR) about Cochrane Library our account has not been renewed so patrons cannot access full-text. Evelyn Bruneau is looking into.
Angela Osterreicher BSc MLS AHIP Librarian Deer Lodge Centre J.W. Crane Memorial Library 204-831-2107 angela.osterreicher@ad.umanitoba.ca
Website: http://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/deerlodge Geriatric Toolkit: http://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/geriatrics Stay current with: http://twitter.com/GeriNews and http://infoltc.blogspot.ca/
From: Evelyn Bruneau Sent: February-03-14 11:49 AM To: Angela Osterreicher Cc: Carol Cooke Subject: RE: Cochrane Library
I'm emailing Wiley about this-I assume it's because our subscription expired at the end of December and have not yet received a renewal invoice. I'll try and get access restored as soon as possible.
Thanks, Evelyn
From: Angela Osterreicher Sent: Monday, February 03, 2014 11:37 AM To: Evelyn Bruneau Subject: Cochrane Library
Hi Evelyn
I have a UM patron who is in the Cochrane Library. When they try to pull up the full text of an article, they get the message below. University of Manitoba is also not listed as one of the institutions with access. Can you please advise?
Angela Options for accessing this content:
* If you have access to this content through a society membership, please first log in to your society website. * Login via other institutional login options http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.proxy2.lib.umanitoba.ca/login-options. * You can purchase online access to this Article for a 24-hour period (price varies by title) * If you already have a Wiley Online Library or Wiley InterScience user account: login above and proceed to purchase the article. * New Users: Please register, then proceed to purchase the article.
Angela Osterreicher BSc MLS AHIP Librarian Deer Lodge Centre J.W. Crane Memorial Library 204-831-2107 angela.osterreicher@ad.umanitoba.camailto:angela.osterreicher@ad.umanitoba.ca
Website: http://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/deerlodge Geriatric Toolkit: http://libguides.lib.umanitoba.ca/geriatrics Stay current with: http://twitter.com/GeriNews and http://infoltc.blogspot.ca/
participants (1)
Angela Osterreicher