Re: [Lib-virtual-ref] Access to Iceland Storage Rooms

Hi Everyone
This is to inform Ask Us staff of a procedural change for materials requested from the Icelandic Collection storage areas. If you receive a request on Ask Us for Icelandic Collection materials that are located in storage please refer the patron to Archives & Special Collections by providing the Archives’ phone number (204-474-9986) or email ( Archives staff will retrieve the item for the patron.
Kyle A. Feenstra Coordinator, Learning & Instruction Support University of Manitoba Libraries 204-480-1053
From: Les Moor Date: Friday, June 14, 2019 at 3:12 PM To: Kyle Feenstra Cc: Shelley Sweeney Subject: Access to Iceland Storage Rooms
Hi Kyle,
We are making some changes to access to the materials in the locked Iceland Work Room and Iceland Storage room on the 3rd floor. Mainly the people who ask to see materials in those rooms are researchers familiar with the Icelandic collection. They are infrequent and generally have been routed to Emma, but the Icelandic Collection is reporting through the Archives now so Emma has agreed to route those requests to Archives. The reason I’m contacting you is that apparently on at least one occasion one of these requests came through the “Ask Us” box in Primo and Gaitree went into one of the rooms to retrieve the requested materials. Going forward we would like requests coming via Ask Us for any Icelandic materials that aren’t in the stacks to also be directed to the Archives – either their general phone number (204-474-9986) or email address (
If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
Les Moor Acting Associate University Librarian, Research Support Services University of Manitoba Libraries +1 204-474-6556
participants (1)
Kyle Feenstra