ScienceDirect (Elsevier) ejournals

Patrons are currently having problems downloading pdf articles from ScienceDirect (Elsevier) journals. If users get to the detail page of an article from One Stop Search or some other way, clicking on the Download PDF is currently not working and is indicating that the user must pay for the article.
Example: [cid:image004.jpg@01D27330.C85E3F90]
A work around for this problem is to display the table of contents for the issue by clicking on the link to the issue. Then you can click on the pdf and download the article.
Marie Speare Liaison Librarian for Chemistry and Microbiology Sciences and Technology Library University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 Email: Phone: (204) 474-7063 [Book an appointment]
participants (1)
Marie Speare