FW: Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals - Completed with Warnings

It seemed suddenly a lot of patrons call in today to report that they couldn’t renew their books. The reason is most likely that they have reached the maximum renewal period for the loans. From the system job that was run on August 13th, you can see 2765 loans were unable to be renewed. I randomly checked two patrons and found some of their loans were created in 2014. They have been renewing books that were borrowed in 2014. It definitely violates our circulation policy which only allows patrons to renew a loan for up to 3 times. The maximum renewal period was not correctly set up in Alma in the past. That’s why they could always renew items. The bug has been fixed.
Wei XUAN | Head, Libraries Systems | University of Manitoba Libraries | 204-474-6710
From: LibraryNotices@umanitoba.ca [mailto:LibraryNotices@umanitoba.ca] Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2016 3:07 AM To: Wei Xuan Wei.Xuan@umanitoba.ca Subject: Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals - Completed with Warnings
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System Job Notification
Xuan Wei
University of Manitoba
Dear Wei Xuan,
Job Report
Process ID
Notifications - Send Courtesy Notices and Handle Loan Renewals
Started on
13/08/2016 02:00:04 AM CDT
Finished on
13/08/2016 03:07:05 AM CDT
Total run time
1 Hours 7 Minutes 1 Seconds
Created by
Completed with Warnings
Status date
13/08/2016 03:07:05 AM CDT
Records processed
Records with exceptions
Job Events
Loan was not renewed since automatic renewal rules do not apply(1144)
loans not renewed(2765)
Loan renew succeeded(7847)
Courtesy notification was sent to user(628)
Failed to send Email courtesy notification to user(0)
Failed to send Email courtesy notification to user because no preferred address exists(27)
Failed to send Email courtesy notification to user because email address is not in include list(0)
Failed to send Email courtesy notification to user because channel was disabled(0)
Failed to send SMS courtesy notification to user(0)
Failed to send SMS courtesy notification to user because no preferred SMS address exists(0)
Notification not sent because the patron has opted out of receiving this letter(0)
University of Manitoba
participants (1)
Wei Xuan