FW: Free webinar: dealing with rude patrons online

Looks like an interesting webinar, and best of all it's free:
Free webinar: dealing with rude patrons online
You are cordially invited to our next free webinar, scheduled for this Thursday, June 14 from 1 PM to 2 PM ET (12pm-1pmCDT). This is the latest in our series on Best Practices in Virtual Reference.
As we know, not all virtual reference exchanges are friendly chats, despite our best efforts. It can happen whether your service is geared to the general public, academic researchers, or younger students. From using inappropriate language to being impatient to SHOUTING BY USING ALL CAPS, online reference can be a little different to in person requests because it's hard to know the intended tone. And, the anonymity of the online environment can encourage patrons to say things in chat that they would probably not say in person, or even on the telephone.
Hear and share some effective ways to deal with rude users without losing your cool. Our speakers:
Julie Strange, statewide coordinator of Maryland AskUsNow!
Susan McGlamery, manager of QuestionPoint's 24/7 Reference Cooperative
Wren Spangler, 24/7 Reference Quality team
Julie will provide an overview of anonymity, civility and the library.
Susan will present a brief overview of the 24/7 Reference Cooperative's policies regarding rude patrons, and Wren will discuss tips for dealing with these stressful situations, and how you may be able to turn a hostile conversation into a productive one.
To register, please look for the webinar announcement here: http://www.oclc.org/questionpoint/, then click the link which says "Register for this event" (you may have to scroll down a bit to locate the webinar announcement).
Hope to see you there!
Susan McGlamery
QuestionPoint product manager
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participants (1)
Elizabeth Braaksma