Dear Associate Deans (Research)/Research Liaison Officers:
You are invited to attend a demonstration of SciVal on Monday, October 23rd from 10:30-12:00 in the Borger Boardroom (E1-270 EITC).
SciVal is a web-based research metrics tool drawing on the Scopus publication database to provide quick and easy access to data on the research performance of individual researchers, research groups and institutions. SciVal has been used at the University to provide metrics to support several major institutional grant proposals, including submissions to the Canada Research Chairs, Canada Excellence Research Chairs and Networks of Centres of Excellence programs. The Office of Research Services has offered SciVal demonstrations and training sessions to Units across the University since our initial subscription in 2015 with the intention that it become widely used by administrators and the research community.
As you may know, I have previously been the primary Office of Research Services contact for SciVal analyses and support; however, I will be away on maternity leave as of November 2017. Crista Gladstone, Projects Coordinator (Strategic Research Initiatives), will be the primary ORS contact for SciVal going forward from this time. Upon my return I will continue to be available to provide research metrics support for health-related proposals in my capacity as Research Grants Officer (CIHR).
Please circulate this invitation to Department Heads; research and administrative staff who may be involved in utilizing the tool are also welcome to attend.
Thank you, Jackie Cooney-Birch
Jackie Cooney-Birch | Research Grants Officer (CIHR)| Office of Research Services, Bannatyne Campus | P309 Pathology Building | University of Manitoba | Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3 | Tel: 204-480-1495 | |
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