Dear Deans/Directors, Associate Deans (Research) and Research Liaison Officers:
Further to the memo from me and Dr. Ristock of June 17 (attached for ease of reference), regarding a special call for a Tier 2 CRC directed towards persons with a disability, please note the following changes:
In order to increase transparency in this process, to manage the confidentiality of the disclosure related to the self-declaration of a disability and to speed up the process in order to prepare and submit a nomination in time for the October, 2019 CRC intake date, I am asking academic staff members to submit their applications directly to my office. Applications will be reviewed by the CRC Nomination Selection Committee composed of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic), the Vice-Provost (Academic Affairs), the Associate Vice-President (Research), and the Vice-President (Research and International) who will act as chair of this Committee. Decision of the successful candidate will be communicated to the applicant and their dean/director by August 6, 2019. Unsuccessful candidates will also be notified on the same day.
Please note:
1) The position for a Tier 2 CRC for persons who self-identify as having a disability is now advertised on UM Careers: HTTPS://VIPRECPROD.AD.UMANITOBA.CA/DEFAULT.ASPX?REQ_ID=07066, posted on our CRC Public Accountabilityhttp://umanitoba.ca/research/ors/crc_public_accountability.html#External_and_Internal_CRC_Postings and is also attached. 2) Applications will now be sent directly to me by 4:30 p.m., July 24, 2019. We have eliminated the need for units to select the best candidate and then submit packages to VPRIO.
Please circulate this advertisement and the CRC Workplace Diversity Self-Declaration Form (attached) widely within your units.
Sincere thanks.
Digvir S. Jayas, O.C., Ph.D., D.Sc., P.Eng., P.Ag., FRSC Vice-President (Research and International) and Distinguished Professor 202 Administration Building 66 Chancellors Circle University of Manitoba Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3T 2N2 Phone: 204-474-9404 (office) Phone: 204-291-4505 (mobile) Fax: 204-261-1318 Email: digvir.jayas@umanitoba.camailto:digvir.jayas@umanitoba.ca Webpage: www.umanitoba.ca/researchhttp://www.umanitoba.ca/research