This message is being sent on behalf of Professor Allen Harrington, Recital/Jury Coordinator (Classical), Desautels Faculty of Music
Dear Bachelor of Music Undergraduate students and MPS teachers,
For Undergraduate students registered in MPS in the Bachelor of Music (classical area), you have the option of performing a half-jury in December. Here's what you need to know:
1. The half-jury is optional. If choosing this option, the student must perform 2 half-juries (1 in December and 1 in April) that are each half the length of the normal full jury. 2. The half-juries will take place in the December 11 to 13 range of dates. 3. This option is not available for those students who intend to audition for the Performance Concentration. Those students must perform a full jury in April. 4. Consult with your MPS teacher if you are interested and email our jury coordinator Allen Harrington by end of day Friday November 22 if you wish to choose the half-jury option. 5. If you wish to perform a full jury in April, no action is necessary at this time 6. You can find more information about juries in the undergraduate student handbook: 7. Questions? Please consult with your MPS teacher, or email Allen Harrington
Allen Harrington Professor (Saxophone, Bassoon, Woodwind Area Chair, Recital/Jury Coordinator (Classical)) Desautels Faculty of Music University of Manitoba 150 Dafoe Road - Tache Arts Complex Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 (204)474-7359