/sent on behalf of
Dr. Sari Hannila
Hello everyone,
As part of Brain Awareness Week this year, we have been invited by some local elementary school teachers to speak to their classes about how the brain works. I would now like to invite you in turn to volunteer as speakers for these visits. They will all take place on Zoom and will be 30-60 minutes in length (exact length to be determined in consultation with the teacher). Both faculty and trainees are welcome to participate.
Please note the details provided below and send an email to mailto:info@manitobaneuroscience.ca info@manitobaneuroscience.ca with your preferred class, date, and time (the teachers have provided several options). The visits will take place next week, so please respond by March 8th. Once all the slots have been filled, we will connect you with the teacher, and you will be responsible for preparing your materials and communicating with them to make the final arrangements for your visit.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to share your expertise with these future neuroscientists!
Date and Time (choose one)
Manitoba Remote Learning Support Centre (St. James-Assiniboia School Division)
Grade 4
How does the brain work?
Wed, March 16, 11 am - 12 pm
Thur, March 17, 11 am - 12 pm
St. Charles Catholic School
Grade 5
How does the brain work?
This teacher has also mentioned that they would like to learn how the brain works during sleep, and why memories fade as you get older.
Mon, March 14, 12:45-1:45 pm
Wed, March 16, 12:45-1:45 pm
Thur, March 17th 2:15-3:15 pm
Manitoba Remote Learning Support Centre (St. James-Assiniboia School Division)
Grade 5
How does the brain work?
This teacher has also mentioned that they would like to learn about the parts of the brain.
Wed, March 16, 10:45-11:30 am
Fri, March 18, 9:15-10:00 am
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
MNN Outreach Director
Email: mailto:Sari.Hannila@med.umanitoba.ca Sari.Hannila@umanitoba.ca
https://www.facebook.com/manitobaneuroscience/?fref=ts https://www.instagram.com/manitobaneuroscience/ https://twitter.com/manitobaneuro