The Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience would like to make you aware of the following upcoming seminar....
----------------------------------- The Spinal Cord Research Centre Visiting Scientist Lecture
Dr. S. Jayne Garland Department Head of Physical Therapy University of British Columbia Dr. Garland's website
http://www.physicaltherapy.med.ubc.ca/faculty_staff/faculty_staff_directory/faculty_directory/Jayne_Garland.htm "Estimating the Time Course of the AHP in Human Motoneurones Using Interval Death Rate Analysis"
Friday, February 18, 2011 Noon - 1PM Rm 431, Physiology Library Basic Medical Sciences Building 745 Bannatyne Avenue
All are welcome to attend.
Poster attached.
For more information contact: Dr. Phillip Gardiner Phone: 977-5622 E-mail: gardine2@ms.umanitoba.ca
Kelly Jorundson
Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience
R4046 - 351 Taché Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6 CANADA
Tel: 204.235.3939 7Fax: 204.237.4092 Email: kjorund@sbrc.ca mailto:kjorund@sbrc.ca