S E M I N A R & V I S I T I N G S P E A K E R S E R I E S
SCIENTIFIC LECTURE (followed by neuroscience trainee lunch see below)
Friday, February 9th, 2018
12:00 NOON*
Dr. Katalin Toth https://cervo.ulaval.ca/en/katalin-toth Professor - Dept of Psychiatry and Neuroscience
CERVO Brain Research Centre, Université Laval
071 Apotex Bldg.
T O P I C Information coding and calcium dynamics in hippocampal mossy fibre terminals
*Trainee lunch to follow at 1pm in room SR415 KIAM Bldg. All trainees invited to attend (including students, postdocs, and research associates)
A B S T R A C T Neurons encode and transmit information in the frequency and temporal precision of action potentials (APs) they discharge Presynaptic terminals are key elements involved in the translation of electrical signals to neurotransmitter release. The differential spatial assembly of a myriad of voltage-gated channels, calcium buffers and calcium sensors confers specific properties to presynaptic terminals.The dynamic modulation of neurotransmitter release is thought to support the neuronal code used to transfer information. We use electrophysiological measurements in acute hippocampal slices with rapid presynaptic two-photon calcium imaging and experimentally-constrained modelling to study the mechanism by which mossy finer terminals in the hippocampus translate granule cell firing to postsynaptic signals. Our aim is to elucidate how a mossy fiber boutons integrate incoming bursts of action potentials to propagate information to CA3 pyramidal neurones.
Katalin Tóth earned her PhD in 1995 from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary, under the supervision of Tamás F. Freund, after completing an undergraduate degree in Biology. She then spent the next 2 years as postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Richard Miles at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France, and studied the properties of synaptic interactions between connected pairs of neurons. She moved to the National Institutes of Health in the USA where she worked with Chris J. McBain on the plastic properties of hippocampal networks. She established her laboratory in 2000 at Laval University where she is currently a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience. Her research is focused on presynaptic release mechanisms and information processing at hippocampal mossy fibres.
/sent on behalf of
Dr. Eftekhar Eftekharpour Coordinator, Seminar & Visiting Speaker Series Manitoba Neuroscience Network E: Eftekhar.Eftekharpour@umanitoba.ca
Kelly Jorundson Coordinator, Membership & Operations Manitoba Neuroscience Network
Email: kjorund@sbrc.ca Tel: 204.235.3939 Fax: 204.237.4092
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