*Note: Our previous email announcing the 2016 MNN meeting contained a broken website link - please use new link provided below to register.
This message is sent on behalf of Dr. Benedict Albensi, Chair of the 2016 MNN Scientific Meeting
Dear Neuroscience Community,
Since 2010, the Manitoba Neuroscience Network (MNN) has held several scientific meetings consisting of neuroscience faculty and trainees. These gatherings have been received with tremendous enthusiasm, attracting around 150 attendees each year. We are pleased to build on this success by holding a sixth scientific meeting in 2016.
The 2016 meeting content will center on dementia. There will be participation by Manitoba principal investigators and an invited speaker. There will also be a poster competition for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows to showcase the research done in neuroscience labs in the region.
Please register for the event and maximize your awareness of the research quality and opportunities in your community in an atmosphere designed to encourage social interaction.
The DEADLINE for abstract submission is May 13st, 2016. Please follow the link (www.sbrc.ca/mnn2016 http://www.cvent.com/events/manitoba-neuroscience-network-6th-scientific-me eting/event-summary-5c5901246d2046629015a1587f1705d0.aspx ) to view the program, register and submit an abstract.
Thank you and see you there.
Benedict Albensi, PhD, Manitoba Dementia Research Chair
Everett Endowment Fund Chair
Professor of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Faculty of Health Sciences, College of Medicine
University of Manitoba
Principal Investigator, St, Boniface Hospital Research
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