/sent on behalf of
Dr. Sari Hannila
Brain Awareness Week is right around the corner, and this year, we would like to celebrate the many wonderful mentors that we have in the MNN.
Students, postdocs, and residents, is your supervisor an outstanding mentor? If so, send us an email at mailto:info@manitobaneuroscience.ca info@manitobaneuroscience.ca and tell us why! We will follow up with you and prepare a feature on you and your supervisor that we will share on social media during Brain Awareness Week. Deadline is March 5th!
PIs, please share this email with your trainees!
And don't forget to follow us on our socials (Instagram: @manitobaneuroscience, Twitter: @manitobaneuro)
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
MNN Outreach Director
Email: mailto:Sari.Hannila@med.umanitoba.ca Sari.Hannila@umanitoba.ca
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