Everyone invited........
Research Seminar - Dr. Thomas Pulinilkunnil http://myuminfo.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=900&too=200&dat=11/18/2010&sta=0&wee=3&eve=8&epa=45584
Thursday, November 18, 2010
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
A229 Chown Bldg. **
Dr. Thomas Pulinilkunnil University of British Columbia
TOPIC: Lipids, lipolysis and lipases: the tale of three L's
Video-linked to St. Boniface Campus - Samuel Cohen Auditorium, SBRC Bldg.
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Pharmacology Seminar - Dr. Melanie Martin http://myuminfo.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=900&too=200&eve=1000&id=45777
Friday, November 19, 2010
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
A229 Chown Bldg. **
Dr. Melanie Martin Associate Professor, Dept of Physics University of Winnipeg Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics, University of Manitoba
TOPIC: Highlights from the in vivo experimental animal magnetic resonance microscopy centre.
**video-linked to St. Boniface campus R1002 SBRC
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Manitoba Neuroscience Network Meeting - Dr. Jonathan Marotta http://myuminfo.umanitoba.ca/index.asp?sec=900&too=200&eve=1000&id=45875
Friday, November 26, 2010
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Theatre C
Dr. Jonathan Marotta Associate Professor, Department of Psychology University of Manitoba
Topic: Insights into Perception and Action: Agnosia.
Dr. Jonathan Marotta's research goals are directed at offering a better
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Pharmacology Seminar - Dr. Payam Pahlavan
Friday, November 26, 2010
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
A229 Chown Bldg. **
Dr. Payam Pahlavan, MSc Student Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics University of Manitoba
TOPIC: Alzheimer's disease: current treatment and a new approach.
**video-linked to St. Boniface Campus R1002
Dr. Payam Pahlavan received his MD from Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. Then he went for post-graduation medical training at the University of Heidelberg, Germany and currently he is in his 2nd year of Master of Science training in Pharmacology and therapeutics at the University of Manitoba under the supervision of Dr. Ben Albensi. He has several publications from his previous research.
Kelly Jorundson Winnipeg Chapter Society for Neuroscience
R4046 - 351 Taché Avenue Winnipeg, MB R2H 2A6 CANADA
'Tel: 204.235.3939 7Fax: 204.237.4092 *Email: kjorund@sbrc.ca mailto:kjorund@sbrc.ca ; OR kjorund@yahoo.ca mailto:kjorund@yahoo.ca