Dear colleagues,
I'm sure you have all heard on the news about the open letter that was sent to the premier by a group of physicians regarding the province's COVID-19 response. I received a notice yesterday that they are seeking more signatures from researchers and academics. If you are interested, the information for signing the letter is provided below.
With all best wishes to you and your families,
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neuroscience Network
Associate Professor, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science
University of Manitoba
From: MB doctors group outgoing < mailto:manitobadoctorsgroupoutgoing@gmail.com manitobadoctorsgroupoutgoing@gmail.com> Sent: November 5, 2020 11:07 AM To: mailto:manitobadoctorsgroup@gmail.com manitobadoctorsgroup@gmail.com Subject: Open letter to premier
Caution: This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.
Dear Colleagues,
Thank you for signing the letter of concern to Premier Brian Pallister. We have attached the initial letter with 202 signatures for your records. It is heartening to see so many physicians, researchers, and other members of the healthcare community coming together to advocate for the citizens of Manitoba. Since it was sent on November 1, the letter has helped to raise awareness of the crisis our healthcare system is facing and to stimulate discussion amongst the public and politicians. Our sincere hope is not simply that the letter will attract attention, but that it will be a catalyst for increased strategic investments in the resources that are urgently needed to respond to the COVID pandemic and to save lives.
There were 202 signatories on the letter submitted to Premier Pallister Sunday evening. We have subsequently heard from more than 150 individuals who have also signed the letter. We would like everyone to have the opportunity for their voice to be heard and counted. To that end, we plan to resubmit a letter to Premier Pallister with the updated names. If you have contacted us to sign on but do not see your name on the letter attached here, do not worry, if you are receiving this email from mailto:manitobadoctorsgroupoutgoing@gmail.com manitobadoctorsgroupoutgoing@gmail.com, you have been counted. Anyone who is interested in signing the letter and has not yet done so can send an email to mailto:manitobadoctorsgroup@gmail.com manitobadoctorsgroup@gmail.com.The email should clearly state your name, advanced degree(s), field of expertise, and email address, as well as your desire to be added to the letter.
Jane Smith, PhD
Community Health Sciences
mailto:janesmith@umanitoba.ca janesmith@umanitoba.ca
I would like to be added to the list of signatories on the letter of concern to Brian Pallister.
Please note that we will not be including professional affiliations, as we are asking people to sign on their own behalf, not as representatives of their employers.
The response to this letter has been overwhelming. We have received multiple requests from the media for doctors to share their stories and their concerns. This letter represents the voice of a diverse group of physicians and academics. We all have unique expertise and experiences that deserve a voice. Please respond to mailto:manitobadoctorsgroup@gmail.com manitobadoctorsgroup@gmail.com if you would be willing to share your experiences for any media requests (we would not give out your name/contact to the media but would approach you as opportunities arise). Multiple voices add strength to our message as we advocate for our patients and all Manitobans.
We realize some of you may be receiving this email communication more than once. We are just figuring out the most effective process for communication and are grateful for all of your support.