/sent on behalf of
Dr. Katinka Stecina
Friday, December 10, 2021
12:00 PM 1:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting https://umanitoba.zoom.us/j/66502273027?pwd=bUxrMTJJR1Nrb3JOdlE0ck5YbHdSdz09
TITLE: Challenges in balance control following spinal cord injury
Dorothy Barthélemy, PhD, MSc, pht
Professeure Agrégée/Associate Professor
École de réadaptation, Université de Montréal
RESEARCH PROFILE: A major research theme in my laboratory is to understand the mechanisms underlying locomotor recovery in individuals with spinal cord injury, based on their specific lesion. Although the most recognized feature and hallmark of gait is the rhythmic left-right flexion and extension movements, balance control is essential to achieve functional locomotion, but remains poorly understood. In this presentation I will discuss deficits in neural mechanisms that are reflective of poor balance control in individuals with incomplete spinal cord injury and novel therapeutic approaches that could normalize these mechanisms.
All are welcome to attend!
For more information or problems with zoom please contact Dr. Katinka Stecina, Katinka.Stecina@umanitoba.ca mailto:Katinka.Stecina@umanitoba.ca
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