Hello everyone,
On behalf of the MNN, I am pleased to announce our schedule of upcoming events for Brain Awareness Week 2020. They will include talks by two outstanding visiting speakers, a Café Scientifique on Parkinsons disease, and the 6th Annual Winnipeg Brain Bee. New for this year, we have partnered with the University of Manitoba chapter of Lets Talk Science to host two public outreach events featuring free neuroscience activities for kids. Students and postdocs will have the opportunity to volunteer for these events and the sign-up information will be sent out tomorrow, so keep an eye on your inbox!
Thank you for your support of the MNN and our outreach program. We look forward to celebrating Brain Awareness Week with you!
Best wishes, Sari
Sari S. Hannila, PhD
Director of Outreach, Manitoba Neuroscience Network
Associate Professor, Department of Human Anatomy and Cell Science University of Manitoba