Dear MNN Members,
Robert Beattie and Gilbert Kirouac have graciously volunteered to serve as members of a nominations committee for upcoming MNN leadership elections. There are several positions open, from councilor to President. Please consider helping us develop a robust leadership team by considering the following from Robert and Gilbert:
Nomination of councilors: You can self-nominate or nominate one of your colleagues you would feel is suitable for the positions listed below. If nominating a colleague, please first confirm that they would be okay with you putting their name forward. Please forward all nominations, including name and position, with the subject: Nomination for MNN council to: by May 12, 2023 at 4:30 pm.
Positions available for nomination:
* President
* Vice-President (vice president eventually becomes President after two-year term).
* Secretary/Treasurer
* Fort Garry Representative
* St. Boniface Representative
* Bannatyne Representative
* University of Winnipeg Representative
* Graduate Student Representatives (1 UM, 1 UW, voted by students)
Voting: Nominations will be collected, and lists of names for each council position will be distributed to all MNN members for voting. Councilors shall be elected by a simple plurality of votes by electronic ballots received. We aim to have the results of the elections before the upcoming MNN Meeting on June 23.
Attached is also the meeting minutes from the PI round table discussion held on April 19, 2023.
The next PI meeting will be held during the lunch break of the MNN meeting on June 23, 2023 at the Leaf. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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