/sent on behalf of
Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui
MNN Seminar Series
Friday, January 29th, 2021
9:00 AM
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 839 4865 2686
Passcode: 547062
This presentation will be recorded for the purpose of distributing to local MNN members upon request. Please contact mailto:info@manitobaneuroscience.ca info@manitobaneuroscience.ca to make this request.
Dr. Eftekhar Eftekharpour, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Spinal Cord Research Centre, Regenerative Medicine Program,
Dept. Physiology and Pathophysiology, University Of Manitoba
"Neuronal Laminopathy as a new pathophysiologic feature of Alzheimer's Disease: Cause and consequences!"
For bio, research profile & objectives see attached.
All are welcome to attend!
For more information contact Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui, Tabrez.siddiqui@umanitoba.ca mailto:Tabrez.siddiqui@umanitoba.ca
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