/sent on behalf of
Dr. Robert Beattie
Dear MNN members,
We are happy to announce that we have created an MNN slack channel, which can be joined via this https://join.slack.com/t/manitobaneuro-uih1077/shared_invite/zt-1fuhvsvc1-Z bo4CMWOuy6_Ld4IZdFWNQ invitation link. Slack is a free messaging app for business that connects people to the information they need. By bringing people together to work as one unified team, Slack transforms how organizations communicate. The invitation is open to all MNN members, including faculty, staff and students. While participation is entirely optional, we encourage all MNN members and their lab colleagues to join.
We want this platform to help build bridges between Manitoban neuroscientists. Through slack, you can quickly ask your colleagues questions, such as if other labs have a temporary replacement for a reagent you ran out of or if others have protocols they might be willing to share. It also allows graduate students across campuses to connect more informally. Feel free to also share announcements with others, like when your lab has a new paper, common equipment is not working or if there is an exciting seminar coming up.
Thank you for your time, and if you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas for additional sub-channels, please let us know.
Robert Beattie
https://www.facebook.com/manitobaneuroscience/?fref=ts https://www.instagram.com/manitobaneuroscience/ https://twitter.com/manitobaneuro