/sent on behalf of
Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui
MNN Seminar & Visiting Speaker Series - World Wide Neuro Platform
Monday, March 8, 2021
12:00 PM (Noon) CST
WWNP link: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/manitoba-neuroscience-4
Meeting ID & Passcode: none required
Dr. Derya Sargin, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Calgary, Dept of Psychology, The Hotchkiss Brain Institute, Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute
"The role of orexin/hypocretin in social behaviour"
For bio, research profile & objectives see attached.
All are welcome to attend!
For more information contact Dr. Tabrez Siddiqui, mailto:Tabrez.siddiqui@umanitoba.ca Tabrez.siddiqui@umanitoba.ca
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